100 Days of Summertime

100 Days of Summertime

Since we made the decision to send the kids to school in the fall, I’ve begun to realize that my days with them at home all day are numbered. And while that’s a good thing, I’m also wanting to make the most of the time we have together this summer, so I was excited to…

Letting Kids Fail

Letting Kids Fail

Wouldn’t it be nice if our kids just listened to everything we told them? We could impart all of our hard-earned wisdom upon them and save them from the agony of the many mistakes we made. They wouldn’t have to learn things the hard way since we already did that for them. Life would be…

Books About Bugs

Books About Bugs for Kids

As the weather grows warmer here in Michigan, my kids have started spotting ALL.THE.BUGS., and their interest in learning more about the bugs they find has been sparked again. One of our favorite way to learn more about any topic is to gather lots of great books about it and spend hours pouring through the…