Pichea Family at Glorieta Adventure Camps in 2024
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6 Reasons We Flew to New Mexico for a Week of Family Camp

If you’d asked me two years ago if I would ever consider putting all five of my kids on an airplane to attend a week of family camp in a state thirteen hundred miles away, I would have laughed and thought you were crazy.

Why would I go through all that hassle and expense when there are perfectly good family camp options in the northwoods of Wisconsin and Michigan (like this one, this one, or this one) – all of which are easily drivable?

Not to mention, arranging summer schedules for seven people is difficult enough without throwing a cross-country week-long trip in the mix.

But when God provided the opportunity and the means for our family to experience a week of family camp at Glorieta Adventure Camp, we packed the family and flew to New Mexico.

And we’d do it again!

family photo by the welcome sign at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico

1. One Last Summer

Our oldest graduated high school this past May, and we knew this was probably our last summer with her living under our roof. We wanted to make the most of what was going to be a busy summer, so we blocked out a full week on everybody’s calendars and decided we were going to prioritize a full family vacation.

We all loved being together at Glorieta so much that we’re already talking about blocking out the same week for next summer. But had we not prioritized “one last together trip” THIS summer, we probably wouldn’t be trying again for next summer.

riding the truck to mountain scooters at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico
headed to mountain scooters

2. Prioritizing Family Togetherness

As we stared down the approaching season of launching kids from our home earlier this spring, we realized we needed to be better about prioritizing family togetherness. We had grown lax in our intentionality as more kids became involved in sports and other extracurricular activities.

Not only did we get a week of “forced” togetherness, but it bonded our kids in a way we haven’t seen in several years. We came home from our time together and noticed the kids gravitating toward one another, with all ages playing together frequently.

family photo by the big chair at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico

3. Growing Spiritually

We have walked a tough road as a family in recent years, and I will be the first to admit that my spiritual life has grown stagnant over the past year or so.

While I clung to Jesus during the darkest days, I’d gotten tired and let go as we surfaced from the deep waters. My state of spiritual health was “exhausted,” and an intense week away with a major focus on spiritual health was a much-needed kick in the pants for me.

  • I was reminded how important a solid faith community is.
  • I was encouraged to be open and vulnerable with my struggles.
  • I had conversations that pointed me to Christ and my need for constant communion with him.

Beyond my own spiritual health checkup, our family spent significant time in the Word together as well as in age-appropriate teaching times throughout the week. We were encouraged to walk more closely with Jesus and to share our spiritual struggles and successes with one another.

Jason and I were able to share some of the hurt and heartache from the past several years with other couples, and we received encouragement and challenge as we look to move forward in faith. We were prayed over and we had the opportunity to pray over others.

paddleboarding at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico

4. Fun in the Sun

Of course, a week of family camp is not complete without lots of great outdoor adventures. And Glorieta delivered abundantly. As an “adventure camp,” there were numerous opportunities to test your skills and face your fears.

If you ask any of the kids what their favorite thing about Glorieta was, you’d get a list of no less than five different adventures they experienced. A few common favorites include:

  • Mountain Scooters (just like it sounds – riding scooters down a mountain trail)
  • Waterfront (not your typical swimming hole – ziplines, inflatables, slides, and more)
  • Archery Tag (might have been the top “all together” activity of the week)
  • Ziplines (flying off Holcomb Chapel was a major highlight)
  • Via Ferrata (a serious test of will as we bouldered the face of the rock)

While I enjoyed several of these adventures as well, one of my favorite activities was a guided hike up the mountain to a beautiful overlook. That journey included a child finding joy in an unwanted adventure, the opportunity to overcome obstacles (like getting “lost” on the mountain), and gratitude to God as we gazed at His stunning creation.

new friends at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico
new friends for life

5. Lifelong Friendships

Even as I sat down to write this article, I grabbed my phone and sent several texts to friends we made over a month ago at Glorieta. These are Christ-centered friendships that will follow us for the rest of our days.

Unlike other family camps we’ve attended, the environment at Glorieta really emphasized building relationships – both within your own family unit and with the other families at camp. The intentional activities “forced” us to spend significant time with people and form deep connections.

This was probably the biggest highlight for our family – we all came away from the week with new lifelong friends who point us to Christ.

at the lookout at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico
view from the Glorieta Lookout

6. The Long-Game

When we decided to do a week of family camp at Glorieta this summer, we assumed it was probably going to be a “one and done” or “once in a lifetime” adventure. But it became apparent early in the week that Glorieta will likely hold a permanent place in our family’s adventures.

  • The oldest two kids are considering serving there for part of next summer.
  • All of the kids (and the parents) have our week picked out and blocked on the calendar for next summer’s family camp.
  • We’ve started making a list and inviting friends we want to take to camp with us next year.
fly lines at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico

Should You Consider a Week of Family Camp at Glorieta?

If you’re looking for an intentional week of family togetherness alongside other Christ-centered families with opportunities for spiritual and relational growth, then YES!

Glorieta is a Christian adventure camp experience where families and couples can deepen their relationships through unforgettable outdoor adventures in the mountains!

Featuring top-notch food, comfy hotel-style rooms, inspiring speakers, and exciting outdoor activities, Glorieta provides the perfect place to get away and refocus on what matters.

Want to join us in 2025? We’re planning to attend Session 10 – you can register here!

family photo on the mountain top at Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico

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