How to Pray for the Government Leaders and Your Country

Be sure to check out the other posts in the How to Pray for… series:

This is definitely an area of prayer that I fail miserably at. I seldom remember to pray for my country or the leaders that God has ordained to run it. However, as God has placed these men and women in authority over us (Romans 13.1-5), we must continually lift them up in prayer, asking God to guide them and direct them.

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. – 1 Timothy 2.1-2

The Navigators have a great resource on their website, teaching us how to pray for government leaders.

  • Pray with confidence that God has sovereignly placed them in power: Romans 13.1-5
  • Pray with humility and repentance: “Leaders, especially those who are elected through a democratic process, may reflect the spiritual and moral character of a nation.”
  • Pray biblically: “Pray that [your] country’s president, Supreme Court justices, and other political leaders will enact and uphold just laws that protect the poor and defenseless.”
  • Pray faithfully: Create a system for praying for government leaders on a regular and consistent basis.
  • Pray patiently: God’s time table is not our own. Remember that His schedule is perfect and trust Him.

Praying Scripture is another great way to pray for government leaders (original source). Pray that your government leaders will:

  • Seek Truth: 2 Thesslonians 2.10-12
  • Be wise: Proverbs 4.5-8; Psalm 119.98-100
  • Be courageous and have integrity: Proverbs 10.9; Proverbs 11.3
  • Have sharp insight and be discerning: 1 Thessalonians 5.21-22; 1 John 4.1
  • Align and surround themselves with godly counsel: Psalm 1.1; Proverbs 29.12; Proverbs 24.6
  • Have God’s hand of protection on themselves and their families: Psalm 46.1-3

Just as there are many ways to pray for your government leaders, there are many ways to pray for your country. As I was reading in my quiet time this week, I came across a few verses that I want to start praying over my country:

For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face; but in the time of trouble they will say, “Arise and save us”… Yet you said, “I am innocent; surely His anger is turned away from me.” Behold, I will enter into judgment with you because you say, “I have not sinned.” – Jeremiah 2.27b, 35

I see my country headed down this same path that Judah was on: knowing about God and calling themselves Christians by name, but only calling on God in times of trouble.  

I pray that my country will turn from its self-centeredness and call on God.

How are you praying for your government leaders and your country? Do you have any resources that you’d like to share?

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  1. I really love this "how to pray for" series! Thanks so much for writing it and for the great references and reminders. One thing I'd add is to remember that we're called to pray for our leaders no matter what, even if we disagree with them.

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