Bible Verses to Pray for Your Marriage

15 Bible Verses to Pray for Your Marriage

When I feel like my marriage is struggling or going through a rough phase, I know that one of the best ways to make my marriage better is to spend time praying for my husband and praying God’s Word for our marriage. Praying the Scriptures for my marriage is a great way to refocus my attention and correct my perspective. Here are 15 Bible verses to pray for your marriage.

Bible Verses to Pray for Your Marriage

Scriptures to Pray for Marriage

Pray for Your Marriage: Stay in the Will of God

Isaiah 64:8 – God, You are the Potter, and we are the clay. Mold us individually into the image of Your Son that we might reflect Your glory. Mold us as a married couple into one being that we might accomplish Your will. We are the work of Your hands, Lord. Remind of us that daily and help us to walk in Your will.

Jeremiah 29:11 – Lord, we know that You have great plans for our lives – both individually and as a married couple. Guide us into Your will for our lives. Remind us on the difficult days that we have hope – that our hope lies in You alone.

Romans 12:2 – Do not allow us to be conformed to this world, Father, but help us to hold our marriage to Your standard. As we seek to renew our minds through time spent in Your Word and in prayer, show us Your will for our lives and marriage.

1 Corinthians 10:31 – Whatever we do in our lives and marriage, Lord, may we do it for You honor and glory.

Scripture to Pray for Marriage: Joy

Habakkuk 3:18 – When life seems difficult, dear Lord, help us to find our joy in You. Remind us that true joy does not come from circumstance but in the relationship we have with You through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

John 16:33 – When troubles in life threaten to overwhelm us, Lord, help us to remember and take comfort in the fact that You have overcome the world.

Scripture to Pray for Marriage: Relationship

Ephesians 4:2 – Father, we pray that we would treat one another with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love.

Ephesians 4:29 – Guard our tongues, Father. Help us to speak the truth to one another in love – that no unwholesome words would come out of our mouths. May our speech be filled with grace and work to edify one another.

Ephesians 4:32 – Give us hearts of forgiveness, Lord. May we be kind to one another, forgiving one another just as You have forgiven us through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14 – Father, we confess our tendencies to grumble against and argue with one another. Help us, by Your Spirit, to live peaceably with one another in order that we might be a witness to others.

Colossians 3:12-13 – Help us to put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, just as You have forgiven us.

Pray for Marriage: Purity

Hebrews 13:4 – Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled. God, protect our marriage and the intimacy that comes with this relationship. May we strive to keep it holy and pure.

Additional Scriptures to Pray for Marriage

Philippians 4:13 – Lord, we know that the source of our strength comes from You alone and that we can face any circumstance in that strength. We pray that we would not attempt to do life on our own but that we would tap into the Source of our strength on a daily basis.

1 Timothy 6:7-8 – We have brought nothing into this world and cannot take anything out of it with us. Teach us to be content with whatever You have given us, Father. Do not let our possessions (whether plenty or lacking) be a cause of stress in our relationship. May we be ever grateful for each and every blessing You bestow and seek to be good stewards in all things.

Hebrews 10:24 – Help us to spur one another on toward good deeds, God. May we ever challenge one another to grow in our love for one another, for others, and for You.

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Bible Verses to Pray for Your Marriage

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  1. Thank you for sharing these, I am crying because these verses touched my heart. I am going to write these down in my prayer journal so that I can pray these over my marriage.

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