The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family

Busy families need a way to stay on top of their busy schedules. The older the kids get, the more you find your family going in opposite directions throughout the week. With a central location for all your family to record their schedules, you can make sure that there is enough white space in any given month to be able to connect as a family. The new 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring is the perfect tool to help busy families keep their schedules organized and make time to spend with one another. It’s the perfect family planner for a busy family!

The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

Disclosure: DaySpring provided me with two 18-month agenda planners to review. I am an affiliate for DaySpring and as such make a small commission on any purchases made on their website through the links below. Purchasing through my affiliate links will never affect your cost but does help to support this site.)

Key Elements of the Perfect Family Planner

There are a lot of different family planner options available out there, but the 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring includes all of my favorite family planner elements!

Year at a Glance

Well, technically, it’s a year and a half at a glance, but I love that I can easily see where each date falls throughout the year in one glance.

The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

This two-page spread is great for identifying birthdays and anniversaries. Or perhaps you can use it to highlight upcoming family vacations (I recently did something similar with a year-at-a-glance calendar spread).

Month at a Glance

I love that the month-at-a-glance spread has it’s own tab, and that there is plenty of white space in the grid. When you have a busy family with multiple events happening on the same day, you need lots of white space!

The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

This two-page spread also has a column on the right-hand side for notes. This is a great place to record tasks or family goals for the month.

I personally love the month-at-a-glance spread. It allows me to identify where our white space is and protect it. As a busy family, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos and fail to be intentional about spending time together. That’s why I identify “white spaces” on my monthly calendar and make an intentional effort to leave them blank. I aim for at least one a week.

Encouraging Scripture & Quotes

Because DaySpring is a faith-based company, they’ve infused their 18-month agenda planner with encouraging Scripture & quotes.

The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

Sometimes life in a busy family can be overwhelming and/or you can feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Having faith-filled encouragement built into your family planner is a great way to help you refocus your eyes on Christ and make sense of the chaos in your life.

Week at a Glance/Daily Agenda

While the month-at-a-glance spread is great for helping me to get a feel for our month, the daily agenda is where I record the details for each activity or appointment on our family calendar. Whether it’s an appointment or activity, sometimes I need to know more than “what” and “when”.

The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

Who needs to be there? Where is it located? What do we need to bring with us? Record these details on the week at a glance/daily agenda spread.


The Perfect Family Planner for a Busy Family... an 18-month agenda planner from DaySpring

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