As a veteran mom of four, I've been around the block when it comes to potty training, but this new potty training tool is a game changer for me. I'm so glad we bought one recently, and now I'm recommending it to all my friends!

My Favorite New Potty Training Tool

As a veteran mom of four, I’ve been around the block when it comes to potty training, but this new potty training tool is a game changer for me. I’m so glad we bought one recently, and now I’m recommending it to all my friends!

As a veteran mom of four, I've been around the block when it comes to potty training, but this new potty training tool is a game changer for me. I'm so glad we bought one recently, and now I'm recommending it to all my friends!

My Favorite New Potty Training Tool

In the past, we’ve used a combination of a removable potty training seat and utilizing this potty training secret. But recently, we needed to replace one of the toilet seats in our house, and my husband recommend I check out one with a built-in child seat.

I was blown away – I had no idea they made toilet seats with built-in child sized seats!

The NextStep Adult Toilet Seat with Built-in Child Potty Training Seat is my new favorite potty training tool!

We purchased ours at a local home improvement store, but it is also available on Amazon:

Why is the NextStep Toilet Set with Built-In Potty Seat my new favorite potty training tool?

Featuring a ready to use built-in potty seat and Easy Clean and Change hinges, which allow the seat to be removed for cleaning, this innovative seat is ideal for home use. The potty seat automatically secures by a magnet into the recess in the molded wood cover, eliminating the need for the adult user to manually lift the child potty seat. When no longer needed, the potty seat portion can be easily and permanently removed.

My two-year old loves that she gets to use the “big” potty and has her own special seat for it. She quickly figured out how to pull the seat down from the lid, and it’s the first thing she does when we go in to change her diaper and try to pee on the potty.

Note: I’ve found that having kids sit on the toilet at each diaper change is a great way to gauge their potty-training readiness. When my kids can consistently hold their pee between changes and pee/poop on command rather than at whim, we begin to transition away from diapers to training pants.

Of course, I still have our 2-in-1 travel potty available when we’re not at home, but having a built-in potty training seat is a big win in my book, and it’s my new favorite potty training tool!

Other Potty Training Resources

Since we’re currently potty training our fourth child, I’ve managed to cultivate a wealth of potty training tricks and tips over the years. Here are some of the best potty training resources we’ve found:

As a veteran mom of four, I've been around the block when it comes to potty training, but this new potty training tool is a game changer for me. I'm so glad we bought one recently, and now I'm recommending it to all my friends!

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